March 29 - April 4:
Chastity (1969)
Cher, Barbara London, Stephen Whittaker
I didn't think I'd love this movie as much as I did, but I did! Cher plays a runaway, who hitchhikes, shares motel rooms with strange men, ventures through a Mexican brothel and sleeps with the mistress of the house before she decides she really loves the law student she'd crashed with once before. Of course, being a troubled youth, all doesn't exactly end happily for Chastity, but it's obvious she can fool herself no more. Written, produced and composed by Sonny Bono, of course. It's self indulgent in all the best ways!
March 22 - March 28:
The Velveteen Lounge Theater laid low this week, with only a little TV watched, since we were out a lot.
March 15 - March 21:
Mary, Queen of Tots (1925)
Mary Kornman, Jackie Condon, Allen "Farina" Hoskins
A poor little rich girl just wants to have some fun and play, but her evil governess won't let her. The kindly gardener buys her some dolls from a passing peddler, which look exactly like four of the Our Gang kids. When the real Our Gang tykes arrive, after the governess has thrown her dolls away, she thinks her dolls have come to life and the fun really starts. All ends well--she gets her dolls back and the governess gets carted off to the nuthouse.
Olympic Games (1927)
Allen "Farina" Hoskins, Norman "Chubby" Chaney, Bobby "Wheezer" Hutchins
Our Gang stages their very own Olympic Games, in a decrepit lot. There's not a lot of plot here, but that not really the point. They're goofy, mindless fun.
Lazy Days (1929)
Allen "Farina" Hoskins, Norman "Chubby" Chaney, Jean Darling, Mary Ann Jackson
Out of the three Our Gang films we watched, this was the only one with sound, albeit deteriorated sound. This one is mainly an excuse for Farina to act like a lazy old man, but there is a thin plot involving the Gang gussying up their younger siblings, so that they can enter them in a baby contest and win cash prizes. The joke's on them, when they discover they're a month late for the contest. Wah-wah.
March 8 - March 14:
Hawaii Five-O: Cocoon (1968)
Jack Lord, Nancy Kwan, Leslie Nielsen
This is the feature-length Hawaii Five-O pilot and all I can say is the only thing better than Hawaii Five-O is the long version! There was a different Danno in this one and I can see why he was replaced, but the rest is fabulous. It's got tikis, 1968 aloha fashions and Jack Lord. What else could you ask for?
The Right Stuff (1983)
Sam Shepard, Scott Glenn, Ed Harris
I LOVE this movie! Not only does it feature real stories about people you can idolize without feeling gross, but it's hilarious to boot. A classic.
March 1 - March 7:
Easy Living (1937)
Jean Arthur, Edward Arnold, Ray Milland
A Depression-era woman, literally down to her last dime, finds life takes some strange turns when a fur coat, tossed off of a high-rise roof, lands on her. It turns out looking like money and having people think you're involved with a rich man opens lots of doors in life. Hysterically funny, and the kiss-ups who love her when they think she's a powerful man's mistress ring at least as true in our money-worshipping society today as they did in 1937. Some things never change, I guess!
We've also been making our way through a DVD set of One Step Beyond, a Twilight Zone-esque show from 1959-1961. I love it because the plots are schlockier than Twilight Zone, it features lots of soon-to-be stars and it doesn't even try to be scientifically plausible. Brought to you by Alcoa.
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