July 29 - August 4:
Not a dang thing. I was in party preparation mode all week. I don't think I even had the TV on.
July 22 - July 28:
Teenage Doll (1957)
June Kenney, Fay Spain
A middle class girl makes the mistake of falling in love with a gang leader (and believing his line) and ends up accidentally killing a gang girl when they fight over him. The various gangs involved want revenge, the cops want a word with her and her disciplinarian father is confused because there's no way his daughter could be involved in anything this sordid. Sure she could! Un film de Roger Corman.
July 15 - July 21:
In Debt We Trust (2006)
Danny Schechter (director/writer/producer)
Another excellent documentary about the perils of the indebtedness of many Americans and the uphill battles they face extricating themselves from this situation. Like the wonderful Maxed Out, which we watched a few weeks ago, it inspires me to fight corporate America's desire to rape me without my knowledge, while simultaneously leaving me begging for more. This film is correct when it says this should be a campaign issue for all federal politicians, but most of them are so busy taking kickbacks (oh, I'm sorry, campaign contributions) from these evil companies that they turn a blind eye to predatory lending practices. As a libertarian I believe in personal responsibility and owning your actions. However, these companies prey on the poor, uneducated and illiterate. It's their M.O. to specifically target those least able to pay for high interest, usurious loans. Okay, I'll get down off my soapbox now! As you can see, this film really struck a chord with me! Two "ramblings" for the price of one this week!
July 8 - July 14:
The Blob (1958)
Steve (Steven) McQueen, Aneta Corsaut
We saw this one at BlobFest, in the actual theater that the Blob attacks, causing the patrons (the ones who live) to run, terrified, outside and down the street. Too much fun. Steve McQueen is pure hammy method acting in this one and the cops are spectacular. A must see.
Angry Red Planet (1960)
Gerald Mohr, Nora Hayden
This was the second feature after The Blob at BlobFest and a perfect follow up. A crew of astronauts makes a mission to Mars, but they run into a few problems while there, based mainly on their own stupidity. I particularly loved the way the only female on the crew, a scientist in her own right and the one who was forced to save the day, prepared dinner and made sure she was perfectly groomed and perfumed. You know which characters are doomed from the get-go (hint: anyone who's not a star), which only adds to the fun.
July 1 - July 7:
Paul screened all sorts of scary goodness in his Creepy Theater at Monsters for Charity. I was able to catch, among others, The Wolfman, Phantom of the Opera, The Creature Walks Among Us and Tarantula.
Click here to see what we watched in June 2007
Click here to see what we watched in May and early June 2007
Click here to see what we watched in April and early May 2007
Click here to see what we watched in March 2007
Click here to see what we watched in February and early March 2007
Click here to see what we watched in January and early February 2007
Click here to see what we watched in December 2006 and early January
Click here to see what we watched in November 2006
Click here to see what we watched in October and early November 2006
Click here to see what we watched in September 2006
Click here to see what we watched in July and August 2006
Click here to see what we watched in June 2006
Click here to see what we watched in May 2006
Click here to see what we watched in April and early May 2006
Click here to see what we watched in March and early April 2006
Click here to see what we watched in February and early March 2006
Click here to see what we watched in January and early February 2006