August 26 - September 1:
The Velveteen Lounge Theater was closed this week so that we could attend tiki events.
August 19 - August 25:
Smile (1975)
Barbara Feldon, Bruce Dern
Making a comedy sending up the egos involved in beauty pageants is like shooting fish in a barrel, but I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Mainly notable because it was Melanie Griffith's first role, topless or otherwise.
August 12 - August 18:
Damaged Goods, AKA V.D. (1961)
Delores Faith, Mory Schoolhouse, Charlotte Stewart
Judy and Jim are in love and planning to marry just as soon as they graduate from high school--until he sleeps with a hooker and gets syphilis. She drops him like a hot potato, so he takes up with slutty Kathy, who in turn gives it to Jim's best friend Monk. You need a score card for this one! Fortunately it's 1961 and treatment is readily available...if you know you have it. Will Jim overcome his humiliation and inform the clinic about Kathy so that she can get treatment, or will he allow her to go on spreading the disease like wildfire? What do you think?
In honor of Elvis we also watched his 1973 Aloha from Hawaii concert on Thursday with fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, banana pudding and Blue Hawaiians.
August 5 - August 11:
It was a week for watching films we've seen before, which is good, since I was too worn out to stay awake through anything. I slept through two perennial favorites, Who Was That Lady?, featuring Dean Martin, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh and Idiocracy, the disturbingly brilliant ditty about the dumbing down of America.
Click here to see what we watched in July and early August 2007
Click here to see what we watched in June 2007
Click here to see what we watched in May and early June 2007
Click here to see what we watched in April and early May 2007
Click here to see what we watched in March 2007
Click here to see what we watched in February and early March 2007
Click here to see what we watched in January and early February 2007
Click here to see what we watched in December 2006 and early January
Click here to see what we watched in November 2006
Click here to see what we watched in October and early November 2006
Click here to see what we watched in September 2006
Click here to see what we watched in July and August 2006
Click here to see what we watched in June 2006
Click here to see what we watched in May 2006
Click here to see what we watched in April and early May 2006
Click here to see what we watched in March and early April 2006
Click here to see what we watched in February and early March 2006
Click here to see what we watched in January and early February 2006