At long last I've found a book that has that certain something that renders it worthy for inclusion in the Velveteen Lounge Reading Room! Better Homes and Gardens' 1976 masterpiece, Treasures from Throwaways, is a must for anyone who hangs onto those old Chinese food containers just in case. The entire volume is dedicated to creating housewares, knickknacks and gifts (!) out of your household garbage. Let's go dumpster diving!
Who among us couldn't use a coffee table? Why get ripped off my the major furniture stores when you can make your own--from your empty beer cans? Not only is this table a thrifty alternative to getting your furniture from the man, but it will provide you with a place to set your beer as you work to create the building materials for a matching table! | |
Let's face it: home lighting can be expensive. Take the money in your lamp fund to KFC and pick up a couple of buckets of chicken and you'll be on track to start this project--Chicken Bucket Lamps! The beauty part is that the tasty aroma of your KFC meal will linger long after the chicken has been consumed. Think of these as aromatherapy lamps. | |
Don't tell me you throw away those old pantyhose and tights with the holes and runs in them! The only thing that stands between them and this funky throw rug is your willingness to sit down and braid, braid, braid! Think of the pride you'll feel when you can tell visitors, "I made it myself." |
The only thing more fun than creating your home from garbage is sharing it with your family. Don't zone out in front of the TV--form your own garbage band!
They say the family that plays together stays together. This could be your first step to fame and fortune. Who knows? You might be the next Partridge Family!
Make yourself a nice General Foods International Coffee, pull up a milk crate, and settle in to read Treasures from Throwaways. I guarantee you'll never look at your garbage in quite the same way again!
Click on these links to read our first , second, third and fourth book discussions. .
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